Scholarship and Award Information

Interested in what scholarships are available to you as a member?

First Opportunity: Certification Exam Scholarship

Click here for the Certification Exam Scholarship Policy and Application

Purpose: The certification exam scholarship shall be provided to six (6) individuals within the calendar year in the amount of $400 each. Fees on the NAMSS website differ based on whether the applicant is a current NAMSS member or a non-member. WAMSS does not require an applicant to be a current member of NAMSS.

Eligibility: Any current member of WAMSS who is not currently a board member of the WAMSS organization, may apply for the certification scholarship. The applicant must not have received any scholarship funds within the last three (3) years. There is no geographic requirement placed upon the applicant (i.e. the applicant is not required to live or work directly within Washington State.)

Criteria: The applicants must:

  • Have commitment towards educational growth as a medical staff services professional
  • Have commitment towards the enhancement of professionalism in the field of medical staff services
  • Be enthusiastic in supporting the goals of WAMSS
  • Explain future benefits to WAMSS resulting from educational assistance
  • Actively study for the exam, either by involvement in a study group or using study guide materials
  • Contribute to the WAMSS community
  • Represents the profession to the public in a positive manner

You may review exam eligibility requirements on the National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) website.

Second Opportunity: WAMSS Annual Conference Scholarship

Click here for the WAMSS Annual Conference Scholarship Policy and Application

Purpose:  To provide financial assistance for one (1) individual per year in the amount not to exceed $750.00 each.   The funds are to be used to offset annual meeting expenses such as room, registration, transportation, and meals.

Criteria: The applicant must:

  1. Be actively involved in the profession of medical staff services for at least 12 months prior to application.
  2. Be a current member of WAMSS.
  3. Not be a member of the WAMSS Board or WAMSS Scholarship Committee (Committee) at the time of application.
  4. Not have received WAMSS scholarship funding within the past three years.
  5. Provide proof or a copy of registration at the annual meeting. (If the applicant does not attend the WAMSS annual meeting, funds shall be reimbursed back to the treasurer of the state organization.


  1. The WAMSS Annual Meeting scholarship is given to one (1) individual annually as determined by the Committee.
  1. The applicant must submit a completed application on the current, official WAMSS Annual Meeting Scholarship form (attached). An applicant must submit a written request for the scholarship to include:
  • Name, mailing address, daytime phone, e-mail, and fax.
  • A summary of the applicant’s attempts to secure registration funding through employer/Medical Staff or other avenues.
  • A narrative of why the applicant wishes to attend the conference and what the expected outcomes will be, as well as how the applicant hopes to use the tools she/he receives from the conference.
  1. The deadline for submitting the application to the WAMSS Scholarship Committee Chairperson is January 15th of each year.

4. Upon receipt of the scholarship applications, the Committee will review each application.

Third Opportunity: Judy Kleckner Scholarship

Click here for the Judy Kleckner Scholarship Policy and Application

Purpose: The Judy Kleckner Scholarship provides financial assistance to one (1) WAMSS member per year in an amount not to exceed $500 each.

Criteria: The applicant must:

  • Be certified as a Certified Professional Medical Services Management (CPMSM) or a Certified Provider Credentialing Specialist (CPCS).
  • Be actively involved in the medical staff services profession.
  • Be a current member of WAMSS.
  • Not be a current member of the WAMSS Board or WAMSS Scholarship Committee.
  • Currently plan or have plans of participation in a formal accredited educational program that will foster personal and professional growth and enhance knowledge and competence in the field of medical staff services.
  • Applicant to provide proof or copy of course enrollment.

Fourth Opportunity: Margaret Geering Recognition Award

Click here for the Margaret Geering Recognition Award Policy and Application

Purpose: The Margaret Geering Award was created in 2001 to recognize current or former WAMSS members for outstanding contributions to the medical staff profession of NAMSS and/or WAMSS.

Eligibility: Any member (current or former) of WAMSS who is currently not an officer, board member, chapter officer, or appointed or paid official of the WAMSS organization, may be nominated for this honor.

Click here to read about the history of this prestigious award.  Previous award recipients include:

2001-Margaret Geering 2002-Pam Roberts
2003-Vikki Gore 2004-Georganna Biggins
2005-Karen Hays 2006-Mickey Sanders
2007-Donna Zulauf 2008-Bettina Acosta
2009-Kari Muse 2010-Kate Cross
2011-Rita Rakestraw 2012-Carol Mangum
2013-Cheryl Thomas 2014-Beverly Osborne
2015-Carrianne Dockter 2016-Irene Torres
2017-Michelle Chadek 2018-Barbi Donovan
2019-2020-2021-None 2022-Shannon Rochon

Fifth Opportunity: Icon Award

Click here for the Icon Award Policy and Application

Purpose: The ICON (Inspirational Commitment to the Organization) award was created in 2018 to recognize an individual or group that has a proven track record in heightening the awareness of WAMSS and elevating the esteem of the medical services professional.

Eligibility: Nominees may be individuals or groups, member of WAMSS or key stakeholders. Nominees must have working knowledge of the value and scope of services provided by medical services professionals as well as the strategic goals of WAMSS. Nominees must have proven track record in heightening awareness of WAMSS and elevating the esteem of the medical services professional.  Email the Nomination Form to with the subject line, “WAMSS ICON Award Nomination.”


  • Continuous encouragement and enthusiasm for the work of the Washington Association Medical Staff Services.
  • Commitment to the organizational goals, mission, and vision of the Washington Association Medical Staff Services.
  • Demonstrated success in heightening awareness of WAMSS to members, employers, key stakeholders, and/or the public.
  • Demonstrated success in promoting the value of the medical services professional’s role in the healthcare community.
  • Demonstrated success in elevating the esteem of the medical services profession.
  • Qualities of leadership and statesmanship are exhibited for the benefit of the organization and the profession.

Previous ICON award recipients include:
2019 – Heidi Martinez